Español IV – Syllabus

Brandon Valley High School  ~  582-3211

La Señora Lockner


Purpose:   Continue to learn how to communicate with Spanish speakers and understand their cultures


Course Objective


Students build on previous coursework and acquire additional vocabulary with the goal of engaging in the authentic communications tasks needed when traveling in Spanish-speaking countries. They also prepare to be ready to take the CLEP exam in May 2016. They continue to study the geography and cultures of Spanish-speaking countries to build on their understanding of the people who use Spanish as their primary language.




Each student MUST obtain the following:

(1)   a three-ring binder with a pocket

(2)  set of tabbed dividers

(3)  a spiral notebook to be used only for this class or a supply of loose-leaf paper

With these items students will create and organize their own texts with vocabulary pages, reference handouts, stories, homework assignments, etc. The student must bring the binder to class every day. If a student still has the binder from last year and it is still in good condition, he/she may continue to use it.




Students should keep track of assignments in the daily planner. Students may earn full credit for assignments turned in on time.  They may earn up to 50% credit for papers that are one day late as per the teacher’s discretion.  Students who work on make up work or late assignments in class receive no credit for that assignment. Señora Lockner is available to students for help before and after school for questions and assistance.  Señora Lockner can be reached via e-mail at or by phone at the high school at 582-3211 or at home (before 10:00 PM please!) at 868-0958.



Grades are averaged as follows:

            70% - tests

            15% - quizzes

10% - homework

             5% - daily work 


Quizzes and tests are usually not announced ahead of time. Research in foreign language learning strongly supports the view that no one acquires a second language by cramming at the last minute just because of a test. Instead, students need to devote a minimum of ten minutes per day reviewing what was presented in class that day in addition to what has been presented previously. Naturally, more time may be necessary to complete specific homework assignments, but the ten-minute review is essential. Also, a significant portion of the student’s grade is participation, and if he/she is fully participating as directed, he/she will easily acquire the majority of what is needed to achieve success in the class. All students should plan on studying with the full knowledge that there could be a quiz or test at any time.


Grading Scale


A    91.50 - 100                      B-   79.50 - 82.49                  D+  67.50 - 70.49

A-  88.50 - 91.49                   C+  76.50 - 79.49                   D   64.50 - 67.49

B+  85.50 - 88.49                   C    73.50 - 76.49                   D-  61.50 - 64.49

B    82.50 - 85.49                   C-   70.50 - 73.49                  F    61.49 and below


Semester Grade is averaged as follows:

Quarter 1-- 40%

Quarter 2 --40%

Semester Test -- 20%




A student caught cheating will receive a zero for that assignment, quiz or test.




Participating in Spanish class is very important for the student to be successful and learn the new language.   


Absent Student Folder


Students are required to check the absent student folder whenever they are absent for any reason.  The folder will contain all pertinent information from the missed day. It is the students’ responsibility to check the binder for their assignments and get the work completed according to school policy, as expressed in the student handbook.


Classroom Rules


Rules from the school handbook apply in addition to the rules posted in the classroom by the teacher.


Course Outline

 The major portion of each class period is devoted to acquiring new vocabulary.  Students will also use the text Realidades 3 and accompanying activities as well as other supplemental materials deemed necessary by the teacher.  Additional reading, listening, speaking and writing activities will be included throughout the course to better prepare students to take the CLEP test in the spring of 2016.